World Of Warcraft, WoW Pointer 10


Selasa, 22 Januari 2013

Skill Hero Night Stalker

Skill Hero Night Stalker
This is what brings home the bacon, always max this out first. A nuke that has a short cooldown on it and slows the enemy down. The duration is longer at night than it is during the day, but will always deal the same amount of damage. Depending on the situtation, you may use it on the target hero to secure the kill or the other enemy to keep them from getting away. This should also be used in lane to harass, if you have bottle charges and are consistant at getting runes. It forces them to use their regen items or go back to base. If they don't do either of these, you've easily got a kill. Try never to waste the mana gotten from bottle charges. If you need some health and you have full mana, use a void or two before popping that bottle charge.

Crippling Fear
This is what makes blinkers and invisible heroes (other than that damn Broodmother) absolutely loathe you. At night, it is one of the longest silences in the game at 9 seconds. That is a lot of time for you to kill someone. A less important factor, but also underrated factor is that it adds a percent chance to miss attacks. This is great on a tanky target that may stay and attack instead of run away, saving you hp and making it so you don't have to go back to fountain nearly as much. When this is leveled depends on who you are laning against and the rest of the enemy team composition. If you are laning against a low hp intelligence hero, especially one with good CC, it's a good idea to get an early point into this. If there are invis heroes, blink heroes, or strong disable heroes that you will be ganking on, a single point in this at level two will be pretty much necessary.

Hunter in the Night
This is how you are everywhere at once on the first night. This lets you rune ***** way better, it lets you tower dive, it lets you gank top and bottom almost right after each other, it lets you smack a hoe that thinks they can run from you. This is how you dominate right off the bat at the first night.

The skill that makes Night Stalker feared even during the day. Instantly setting the sun, if that's not impressive I don't know what is. Although most new people to Balanar think it is just to change the night to the day, but a far more important function is to extend the night cycle. When this skill is used, it completely stops the timer on the day and night clock. To put it simply, use this every single chance you get during the night, because it makes the night much, MUCH longer. When it is getting close to daytime, preferrably save it until you get a gauge of the time left till day and the cooldown on the ulti and to be able to coordinate them. During the day, use this skill only when a kill is guaranteed, if and only if you use this skill. Another time to save it would for a big teamfight. That silence goes a long way on a strong enemy disabler. When you decide to get this is up to you. Sometimes getting it early is better to keep your reign of terror last longer. Usually when you are absolutely dominating early game you do this, as you don't need those extra points into Hunter in the Night just yet. Otherwise put it off and max out Hunter in the Night first, as those early kills are more important than keeping the night longer

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